Here is a little bit about myself. I am an actor who have done community theatre, won an award from the Queen Mary's Dark Harbor, Jumped into film with the help of a casting company located in Hollywood, currently have a SAG background voucher, and done a lot of short films with a couple of episodes in a few web-series. Now let's cut to the chase. I need to know how to join SAG. I have a lot of people telling me that I have potential and one person said that my resume is "over-qualified" for a student project. Its just that no matter how far I go, I have peers who somehow got themselves eligible for SAG. I seriously need help please. I have been doing this for many years and my poor mother has lost so much patience on me while I have to keep fighting for my career. Are there any connections that could help me either get Taft Hartley or couple more background roles. I am in need of serious help.
I would recommend finding an agent ????? if you have a huge portfolio, then I think they can help you out If not , I would try looking to doing small work ( small student short films ) until you can earn those three background sag vouchers . its weird to me that you would be " overqualified " to them. Maybe looking for new talent instead of one with credits ??? Do not give up hope regardless.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I do have a booking agent. Would there be something somewhere that they would post SAG productions?
Two more waivers make you SAG eligible, but if you don't have the chops, you aren't going to get cast. SAG membership is no guarantee of work.
I do want to be SAG eligible. And I have a demo reel which is about to get 500 views. I'm just seeking assistance.