Introduce Yourself : Writer/ Director With First Film Out - Finally! by Katie Taylor

Katie Taylor

Writer/ Director With First Film Out - Finally!

Hello, Everyone: My name is Kathryn F. Taylor, and I'm a writer/ director whose first feature film, "The Evil Gene," just came out on DVD and VOD. I've been spending the last couple of weeks working on the press push to support the film and am spending an increasing amount of time thinking about my next project. I prefer the horror and thriller genres, and am opening to partnering with other creatives and producers. I live and work in the Raleigh, North Carolina area, but am always willing to travel. Best of luck to everyone on Stage 32 with all of your endeavors! Sincerely, Kathryn F. Taylor

Eliza Agudelo

Oh wow, congratulations Katie, on that milestone. Im working on mine now. Good luck with everything and welcome. Hope its alright that I shared it ...

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