Introduce Yourself : Finally say hello by Marc Eikelenboom

Marc Eikelenboom

Finally say hello

Hello everyone, been around here for a while but didn't say hello to you all. Shame on me :-) I'm a writer and actor from the Netherlands, who started acting as a director 4 years ago, because that is where my passion is. It resulted in 19 short movies until now. Some of them more successful then others. Last three months we won two 48 Hour Film Projects in a row (Amsterdam and Rotterdam) So we will be traveling to Seattle for the finals in March 2017 and shoot an other short over there. I would love to make contact with a lot of you guys and see what ever match there can be made.

Matt Hurd

Welcome, Marc, and congratulations on your 48 Hour wins! If you're looking to crew up for your short in March, try posting in the Jobs section here on the site - there are many talented people here!

Richard "RB" Botto

Another long time, first time. Hope to be seeing more of you, Marc! Look forward to your contributions!

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