Introduce Yourself : My name is James by James Lawler

My name is James

Hi everyone! I'm new into the film industry, nervous in getting started. I'm starting with Youtube, hoping for my time to shine whenever I get accepted into Full Sail University and make more movies and shows everyone will love and enjoy. Hope to hear from other artists who have been there and any tips in improvement!

Matt Hurd

Welcome, James! You've come to the right place as you get started. Be sure to check out the Lounges for some in-depth discussions that might help you out!

Sheila Wood VO

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between feeling nervous and being excited. Embrace it!

Richard "RB" Botto

I agree with Shelia. Embrace it, use it as fuel, don't let it debilitate you. Every creative, no matter how successful, has doubt. That's OK...It's all in how you handle it.

Reneta Sikes

Hi James I too am at Full Sail so good luck to you and nice to meet you.

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