Introduce Yourself : Hello World by Phil Radford

Phil Radford

Hello World

Hello people of Stage 32 - new guy here - looking forward to being part of this community!

Phil Radford

Hi Aray, just read your Bio - love your enthusiasm, hope you go all the way and accomplish those goals. I have only just heard about this place. In trying to raise my small company profile I thought I would stretch out into new territory see if I can get my name around a little. The UK is a funny ol place at the moment what with the Brexit and all.

Shell Walker-Cook

I'm glad to join the network. Anyone who wants to peruse me and my library can do so under Shell Walker-Cook on IMDB Pro. I founded a family biz screenwriting California LLC known as Tuff Cat LLC and we are a full-genre and genre-hybrid writing think tank. We welcome all writers, producers, artists and other creative types who want to collaborate on our projects or want our involvement where appropriate on theirs.

Phil Radford

Hi Shell, quite a resume you have over on IMDB ! and the awards list - fantastic !

Phil Radford

Keep me in mind should you need great looking visual effects without the big studio costs !

Shell Walker-Cook

No worries and you do the same. I'm on-location in Hawaii until October then off to Berlin Independent where we're premiering Double Take. We're writing on location all the time and pitching Chevy Chase Heist and Bandit Day so it's a never-ending process. Keep in touch, as I will when time permits.

Mark Mccoy

Glad that you are here.

Phil Radford

Hi Mark - greetings from the UK - keep up the good fight man - ex Marine - you must have some stories right there !

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Phil! Great to have you with us!

Phil Radford

Thanks Shawn - good to be here man. Like minded people all in one place - what's not to like!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Phil. Think you'll find the creatives here to be friendly, selfless and talented as hell. Don't be afraid to jump right in!

Phil Radford

Cheers Richard ! Will do

Sadie Dean

Welcome to the community, Phil!

Phil Radford

Thank's Sadie

Kellie Haulotte

Hello Phil! :)

Brian Hiller

Welcome Phil! I'm pretty new here myself lol.

Shell Walker-Cook

Aloha one and all from Tuff Cat LLC and Shell Walker-Cook on location in Hawaii through Dec. 31, 2016.

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