Success Stories: OCT'5 I got a film composing job here on Stage 32!

Pat Savage

I got a film composing job here on Stage 32!

I am proud to announce to you Stage 32 members old and new that this platform RB created really works if you use the available tools, seminars and thousands of possible connections, After releasing my new country Americana album "Savage Steel" in December, I began composing the soundtrack for the first trailer of "Homeless Ashes" a full feature film being shot in London England. Directed and starring a fellow Stage 32 member Marc Zammit. Marc is a great up and coming British director and actor who has just auditioned for Spielberg's latest film. I am happy and honored to announce that based on the trailer I composed, I will be scoring the entire film in London in post production. The script is really strong with an international theme of homelessness. Having once been a homeless teenager, I know the emotional roller coaster that this experience brings to ones soul and can capture this in the soundtrack. Check out the music in the trailer and if you like it contact me here. I am available to score your project. Stage 32 rocks! If you want something bad enough go get it! Thanks RB for all you have done for the craft! Pat Savage

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Powerful music that tugs at the heart and soul. You are a talent and only look forward to more. Screenwriter NYC.

Pat Savage

Thanks Steven. It's my first film so want to continue to compose for films.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

It may be your first But certainly won''t be your last. You can work on my movies soon as I fund them!!

Pat Savage

Fantastic news I'm glad to hear this! Funds important and I wish you big success. I'll be waiting patiently.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Patience is a virtue.

Reneta Sikes

Well you almost had me in tears as I am sure that is what your intent was. Nice work, look forward to seeing more.

Travis Sharp

Top shelf old boy!! (I think congrats sound better in British)

Pat Savage

Hey thanks Renata that's good news you were affected emotionally. I tried my best to have the music support the scene and the emotional impact of the script.

Pat Savage

Hey Travis thanks mate! Top shelf is an expression I've been using for years and get it's meaning.

Rosalind Winton

Congratulations Pat, that's the beauty of this site :)

Pat Savage

Yuppers it's a virtual gold mine of talent and the connection between creative people is a great thing.

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