Introduce Yourself : Budding Filmmaker by Shubham Gupta

Shubham Gupta

Budding Filmmaker

Just thought of sharing my short film with you all guys along with some of the response I have got on it, Hope you guys watch and share your feedback too with me :) Looking forward to read feedbacks from all you great people, Cheers :)

Erik Grossman

Awesome job Shubham!! Welcome to the community :)

Roxanne Paukner

Thanks for sharing that. It's interesting! I certainly didn't follow all of your meaning, and only watched it once, but honestly admire your use of sound and visuals, especially to create the feel of confusion. You portray the drunk experience VERY well. "Everything is not true." IDK about that, but would agree 'not everything is true.' Your use of math and logic to solve reminds me of something I learned from "The Truth Project" (Del Tackett), how the discoverability, solvability of nature is because it is NOT random, therefore evidence of a Creator. Having been production designer for a film, I noticed details - jotted down credit card and was pleased that you returned to it. Noted pot leaves and swastika, which maybe alluded to the feel of the Uninvited-but-inevitable character (that was intriguing - great name), and price tag on glasses, which evidently meant nothing? (btw if they meant nothing, they distracted. They could have meant they were never used before and this was his first time drinking, but I knew from earlier scenes that wasn't the case. All this to say they got me thinking along a dead-end trail you probably didn't intend your viewers to take.) I actually put a rubic's cube back in order just recently. After many attempts to solve it myself, I broke down and referred to the internet for steps. While not completely satisfying, it convinced me that I'd have never arrived at that on my own. Back to you - very nice work on your short. It was engaging. I might watch it again to see if I can grasp more of it's meaning. Best wishes for more projects!

Sadie Dean

Welcome to the community!

Shubham Gupta

Thanks Erik and Sadie :) Feels great to be member of such great community. Thanks a lot Roxanne for such detailed and appreciating feedback, it feels great to read such inspiring review for your work and it feels more inspiring when it comes from cinema insider. Thanks alot, cheers :)

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