Acting : Headshots by Jocelyne Cordero

Jocelyne Cordero


I have to ask this question because it is driving me nuts! So, I don't ever put on make up but I am going to get new headshots done and I was told that I should still put on natural make up. I'm personally not okay with ANY make up on my face, only because when I go to an audition I won't wear make up and I dont want to look any different from my photo. Do I need to put make up on?

Erin Groves

If you don't want to put on make-up, don't! There is no need for it if YOU feel like you can stand out without it. I put on makeup for my headshots, but you can't tell, because I went with the natural look, just did my eyebrows and threw on some powder and chapstick and went on. But if you feel like you don't need it, don't let anyone else try to pull you in a way you don't want to go! And if they try to tell you any different, then tell them to go get there own headshots! ;) Hope this helped! Erin.

Jocelyne Cordero

Hahaha thank you so much!! This actually really did help me. That sounds like a great idea; chopstick and the simple stuff. I had a make up artist tell me she was going to put foundation, mascara and blush and it freaked me out. I'll be honest I definitely feel like my facial features don't need extra enhancing. by the way, would you recommend a simple up ponytail or a my hair down? I have long hair and I would like directors to notice that but not get distracted

Heather Hale

Jocelyne - ideally your headshots capture you in your best light and you LOOK LIKE YOUR PHOTO when you WALK INTO AN AUDITION. Thus, if you never wear make-up, then don't for your headshots. That said, I can't imagine a single gig you'll get when you won't be made up? ;-) So... might not be a bad idea to at least have some other "looks" that show what some make-up can do. ;-) But it's really about YOU and you feeling comfortable and that you're authentically expressing your brand. ;-) Also - the makeup artist who said foundation, blush and mascara sounds like the basics... ;-) and not overkill...maybe give them the benefit of the doubt for knowing their craft? You might be delighted with the natural looking results? You also don't walk around with lights either ;-) but my guess is... ;-) you'll let the DP LIGHT you the way he thinks he can enhance you, right? Why take their tools away? They aren't changing who you ARE ;-) just trying to make you POP in the pics. ;-) Capture your essence - that's the goal. GOOD LUCK! ;-)

Stephen Foster

do whats best for YOU. YOU own your career.

Jocelyne Cordero

Thank you heather! That doesn't sound like a bad idea either!

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