Introduce Yourself : Marcus Calvin-German/American Actor in Germany looking for representation in the US and Great Britain! by Marcus Calvin

Marcus Calvin

Marcus Calvin-German/American Actor in Germany looking for representation in the US and Great Britain!

Hello, this is completely new to me but I will give it a try...I am an Actor with American citizenship, born and raised, lived and worked all my life in Germany! I have been mainly working in German City and State Theaters in my 32 year career! I am Bilingual without accents...I have worked for quite a number of Film/TV Production companies throughout Germany since 1984. I have an Agent here in Germany, Ten4you in Berlin, but me being not so tied down to Germany after going Freelance, I am looking into working in the US and/or Great Britain…I defiantly need representation in the US and Great Britain and am looking for Management and/or Agent either in California or New York and London. If anybody has a suggestion or is willing to give me a hand, it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! My best regards, and greetings from the Blackforest, Marcus Calvin

Marcus Calvin - Filmmakers
Marcus Calvin - Filmmakers
Marcus Calvin, Actor, male, Acting age: 56-66 years, represented by Ten4You - Schauspielagentur
Joanna Strange

Welcome Marcus! This is a great group! There are a lot of ways to network, but what I think is key is to look at agencies who rep people like you and try to set up some meetings. I don't know many agents, but there must be some kind of Facebook group for German/American actors based out of LA or NYC where you can get some advice! Tchüss! Joanna

Marcus Calvin

Thank you Joanna for your advice!

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