Screenwriting : Short Stories by LeAndra Cortez

LeAndra Cortez

Short Stories

I have written quite a few short stories. I was wondering if anyone knows what I can do with them, such as publishing or just to get them out into the world. I know Writers Digest has a competition. Does anyone know of any other competitions or websites I can publish my stories?

Tony Cella

The prose world is more accessible than the film industry. Send the shorts to magazines. Are the stories literary or genre?

LeAndra Cortez

I have several stories that are literary and genre specific. I'm mostly looking to publish not sell. Though selling would be great I mostly just want some exposure.

Tony Cella

There are plenty of small magazines that buy and publish short stories. It lends more credibility than self-publishing. Exposure alone won't land success.

Chris Todd

This post has a bunch of journals. The list is designed for plays and screenplays, but I believe most of them accept works of all types.

Craig D Griffiths

Do a book on Amazon. Remove the middle man between you and your audience.

Samiya Fadelh

Make sure you get copyright.

LeAndra Cortez

Thanks Samiya. How does one get a copyright on a short story? Is it the same process as a screenplay?

Jeff Lyons

What Craig said. I have a bunch of friends that sell their short story collections and individual short stories on Amazon and Smashwords. .99centsa piece or 2.99 for an ebook collection. People love short fiction .... self-publish!

William Martell

I second what Craig and Jeff said. We live in a time when you can just publish an ebook yourself, get it up on Amazon, and see what happens.

Cherie Grant

There are a few literary magazines floating about that will publish. Also ezines. Look for a local Writer's Resource Centre if you have one. They will list all the publications that can give you a platform. That's what I have done though i haven't published any thing. I was recently thinking about it.

Cherie Grant

I wouldn't worry as much about copyright no a short story. They don't make money and if you write it it is automatically copyrighted. What are the odds you need fortified copywriting in case of a court battle for a short story?

Bill Costantini

CJ: Nice list. LeAndra: Writer's Digest Competition ends in a few weeks. Good luck! Here is another list of various places to submit short stories. Notice at the top of the page is an even larger list of literary magazines and sources.

Samiya Fadelh

Hi Leandra, sorry for delay. You can get a book which is called, Artist, Writers, year book 2016, it comes out every year, it's the best book you can get, it teaches you everything you need to know. From copyright to getting short stories published, It is packed with useful information aboutvT.V. Competitions, This book makes you feel safe, because there are no scams at all. Good luck, Samiya

Slavica Bogdanov

Hi, did you try to publish them on Amazon or kindle? I created a free webinar on getting published if you are interested?

LeAndra Cortez

Thank you all so much for your help and info. I have a great appreciation for this community and will be on the way to publishing my work.

David E. Gates

There are lots of competitions but they frequently have a fee for entry and there's a good chance you won't get to hear anything more once you've paid your money. Some local papers run small competitions. And there are some like Costa Coffee's short story competition that can help get you noticed if your story gets selected. What I did, with my collection of short stories, scripts, poems and other such things I'd written that didn't really have a place in the open market as such, was to collate them together in an anthology which I published.

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