I didn't know until I got an agent and started filming. Over the past year, I've been asked to give the same look in every LONGMIRE scene: antagonism. If I'm not glarin' at Walt, they've got me glarin' at Vic. This is also a major facet in the Clint Eastwood Brand. For more on your Brand Signature Emotion, see: ACTION/REACTION by Stephen Mitchell.
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This is something we all should know as actors...
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Your a natural character actor Shaun. Hence the no need for prior analysis.
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From feedback in the editing room "Put in more of her losing her shit... they love it when she loses her shit"
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I don't know about being a natural, Debbie. I've done a ton of homework! Gotta think on that one... :)
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Here's me and Pook at a Prison Shoot in New Mexico for an independent film bought by Sony, now going to theatres: "TITAN PRISON BREAK". Courtesy Big Denver Casting Director, Rodrigo Tactaquin
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@Shaun My words earlier in the thread rang true. (Natural character). Great new photo ha ha HOMEWORKS OUT!
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Im on a limited service mobile in the mountains that self spells words snd i cant over ride Shaun to Shawn. Congrats on latest progress. Shawn.
No worries, Debbie. I appreciate the feedback. Always a pleasure.
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I don't have a signature emotion. I feel that limits me. As humans we all have a unique feeling for life. Casting Directors type cast us because it's vital for their jobs and often actors get hired for how they present a certain look. For me, most actors are the most comfortable with certain emotions and therefore they get the roles associated with those emotions, not just their look. They are the most believable expressing those emotions and get those roles as a result. I feel best expressing a wide range of emotion. It always comes back to knowing who we are as people and making choices based on that. There is no right or wrong way. I have read about many actors who had and have amazing careers playing the same character over and over.
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That's what's up, Andrew. What kind of jobs is your agent getting you now?
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Hi Shawn, I'm getting so few auditions right now it is making me crazy.I'm going to LA at the end of November to see an acting coach called Joseph Pearlman. He is generally regarded as the best in LA. I'm going to have him look at everything I have online and try to figure out what the fuck is going on. He trains actors who are at a very high level and I need someone like that to coach me on how to move forward. He will show me how to reach out to writers, directors, producers and casting agents in a professional way. This is the place where most actors blame their agents and I need to be absolutely sure before I find another one that I am feeling differently about who I am in this business. I live in Toronto and getting an outside opinion will be very beneficial.
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I hear ya, Andrew. I hope that goes well for you.... Through Screenwriting, I'm an exception to most rules so I'm happy to be type-cast, and it all started with a S32 Meetup. I met the most popular actor in Denver, showed him my writing, negotitated a deal to write a short for him if he got me on LONGMIRE as an extra. He gets me on and shows the script to our Casting Director. Now our Casting Director will co-star in our short, I'm a feature extra on multiple projects, writing a feature called 'MAD MOUNTAIN' for 6 actors in our agency - including our casting director - and polishing three features to get into a writers' room on a Netflix series. Have you thought about having a S32 Meetup and putting a team together in your area to shoot a project showcasing your talent?
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Ha! Good for you Shawn. That was a very creative thing to do. I'm actually filming my first feature, called Dragon Boy, just to stay creative. It will take about a year because of the nature of the movie, and the positive is that I am focusing almost every day on feeling and creating.
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Thanks, Andrew.... That's what's up.... I'm glad to hear you're taking action. Who's working with you on your story? Is there anything I can do to help from here?
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You are very generous, Shawn, thank you. I love Stage 32. I am working on two fronts: making the movie and building awareness. It is incredibly challenging to get people to engage. I have spent the last year really learning about social media, and it is really a second job to do it correctly. I have spent a great deal of my life on my own, and I rarely reach out, so I really have to work to share what I am doing. On the movie front, I am generally happy with the story. It is an artsy bio pic, and I understand there is a very small market for it. As soon as I have a trailer I will put together a pitch package and look for distribution. The movie is about two realities that an actor experiences as he moves through his career: interior and exterior. I want to add a few more scenes for the exterior reality, and I am a little stuck on that. I would appreciate any help you can give me as a writer.
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Okay. That's a tough one because I believe as a Creative we must share all the time. But lets' get started. Whenever you're ready, send me some pages. I'll help you anyway I can. Here's a current writing sample: https://www.stage32.com/profile/185490/Screenplay/Hollywood-ending-2
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shawnspeake@gmail.com ... it's whenever, Andrew. Look forward readin' your story
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I really enjoyed your short, Shawn!
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Thank you, Andrew. And thank you so much for your time. I REALLY appreciate your support. Feel free to steal anything you like about my style. I've been coached by Syd Field, Scott Meyers, Joey - formerly of Happy Writers, and most recently Danny Manus. My scripts pass inspection! Shoot me that story when you're ready :) Always here for you, brother
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Got it, Andrew. I'll get back with you soon!
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Goin' offline for the holiday weekend. Have a great holiday, everyone!
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Thanks, Shawn