Why don't we make movies like this... OMG... looks fantastico. :) Damn South Americans... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwdpkvuWGuQ
Why don't we make movies like this... OMG... looks fantastico. :) Damn South Americans... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwdpkvuWGuQ
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amazing. Neruda my favorite Chilean poet
Long live the legacy and poetry of Pablo Neruda. !Qué brillante obra de arte!
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I don't see anything that exiting based on the trailer. If you love the commy Pablo Neruda that fall in the personal interest category. Otherwise the film seems to be not better than any other biographical one... Disclamer: I grew up in a communist country and was persecuted. I have strong personal hate to the ideology responsible for the most political killings on earth so far and any representative and symbol of it.
I respect everyone's right to their opinion and completely understand how personal experience colors our reactions and perceptions. That being said, and politics aside, it's indisputable that Neruda's poetry is in a class by itself. I also applaud anyone who finds the courage to be true to their passion, especially someone who had to defy their own father to do so. (Which is why Neruda is a pen name.) His Nobel prize for literature attests to his tremendous talent. He also only became politicized after the dictator Franco had his friend, and fellow writer of great distinction, Garcia Lorca killed. While I don't particularly like any "ism" I do know there are many sides to every story and in several instances communism formed in the shadow of a toppled puppet dictatorship that was extremely brutal to dissidents. I'm not defending it, mind you, just saying things are not always as black and white as presented. I also try to not throw the baby out with the proverbial bathwater. The trailer is a magnificent example of filmmaking, worthy of praise, IMHO.