My name is David Rountree and I have produced/directed 5 feature films with the last 2 receiving national theatrical releases. I currently run LA Acting Studios, which is a month-long on-camera acting class. Our professional actors workshop scenes provided by writers who are looking to see how their work flows. Each scene is put on camera for 4 weeks straight in the following format. Week 1: strictly audition style with one actor "auditioning" for the scene. Week 2: each actor is paired with an appropriate partner and they work on and put up a master shot of the scene. Week 3, we work on and film each actor's close-up shot of the scene. Week 4, we film the full scene with master and individual close-ups of the involved actors. Writers, if in Los Angeles, are welcome to attend each week, but if not, all of the footage is downloadable after the class meaning that writers from all over are welcome to participate. Writers can make notes and changes from week to week until they ultimately get the scene the way they want. Feel free to email for more details.