Hello guys? It's been a while and I've been away, doing what we do :) Well, I need your help on any free software that me and my partner can use for collaboration on a script. We've tried Ctlx but it looks like the collaboration with it can go for a number of days. I've tried writersduet but it's even more complicated, as it wouldn't upload the file. I wrote the draft using Dramaqueen and Dramaqueen doesn't have a collaborative studio. Can I have some suggestions? Thanks.
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This may sound terrible but your issue isn't formatting at the moment it is collaborating. Google docs lets you both edit a doc and does great versioning. Once you have a rough draft. Drop it into something to fix formatting. Save time now. Formatting would be a few hours at most.
What kind of file were you trying to upload to writerduet? I switched to writerduet earlier this year and love it.
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Thanks so much Grain, Walley. I'll do just that. Dramaqueen formats well and we just needed a collaborative tool. Smith, it's a pdf file and thanks for sharing, guys.
Yes Kay, I subscribed to screencraft a long time agon but what I notice about their offers is that it would always come with some payment required and me and my partner couldn't lay hands on FD. Thank you so much for the advice.
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Yes, Conrad! Take what you like and disregard the rest, my friend.... Hustle your ass off and go buy a sreenwriting program for under 200$. I believe the golden rule of the energy is: if we won't invest in us - no one else will. I can't 'afford' to do anything I do in this business, but it gets done nonetheless. Hope this helps, homie!
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Yes my good Shawn and thanks. Things just became hasty, lol but will do just that.
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You also can try these options, but I'm not completely sure if they support collabs. or only sharing options. https://storywriter.amazon.com/ https://story.adobe.com/
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That's what's up, Conrad!
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I used Trebly and Beat... But thanks Philip.
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Have a great holiday weekend, Conrad!
Thanks and same to you, Shawn. Thanks Luke, Salvador :) I definitely would need y'all around me. Have a splendid weekend guys.