Excited to say that I am signing with an agent this week for our feature comedy, "Drinksgiving". It took a lot of work, a lot of patience, but my team and I now have a fantastic group that is going out there with our film. Our agent's track record speaks for itself, and we are looking forward to the festivals and distribution we seek. I encourage every independent filmmaker to continue to make calls, knock on doors, and build relationships, even when you might feel that the companies you are entertaining might be "out of your league". It can happen. Best wishes to everyone on Thanksgiving.
Awesome! Congrats, John!
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Congratulations John.
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Congratulations, John! That is wonderful to hear.
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Congratulations! Yay You!
That's fantastic, John. Love to hear how this all came to be. Always great to hear the stories and the path.
Congratulations John. Great news.
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Thank you everyone. Richard - I will give a little more information about the whole process, once I get clearance from the agent. Contracts are in transit, so, I don't want to say anything more until we get out website adjusted with their info, and, when they set our film on their official register - should be some time next week. Thanks for the kind words from everyone.
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I love the title - good luck with it!
Look forward to it, John! Good luck!
I'm a Media Representative/Sales Agent for Indy films. I'm looking for comedy atm.
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Thanks again to all the positive words and feedback. We are signed with Circus Road Films, and the experience, thus far, has been outstanding. I will share more information that might be helpful to other folks looking to find agents/distributors, as I traverse this part of the process. Best to all.
Awesome job, John! Best of luck!!