Screenwriting : Breaking into TV Outside of LA/NY? by Joe Bousquin

Joe Bousquin

Breaking into TV Outside of LA/NY?

Okay, so we all know it's the Golden Age of TV, and there's a LOT of writing opportunities for the small screen. But traditionally, if you lived outside L.A. or NYC, your best bet for breaking in as a writer was to stick with features. Is that still true today, given the new dynamics of streaming/VOD/binge watching in TV now? Is it possible to break into TV writing without living in one of these two cities?

Matt Hurd

I think that by and large, the answer is still a resounding yes. You need to live in LA to be a TV writer. That doesn't mean you can't be discovered when writing somewhere else, but most of us aren't Beau Willimon (House of Cards) or Nic Pizzolatto (True Detective) - two of the most commonly tossed-around names in discussions like these. They worked elsewhere - as playwrights, I believe - before jumping to the small screen. For most of us writers, it's an uphill climb, and working in LA or NYC is sort of like the walking stick that keeps you on your feet some days. Connection is key. Basically, there are more opportunities, but they're (mostly) still centered in the same places.

Dan MaxXx

your best surest way to write for The Industry is to be successful outside of the Industry. A successful playwright, Novelist, Journalist, Cop, Doctor, Soldier. They skip the line and get first seats. The Industry finds you. But for TV, everything starts in Los Angeles. Listen to Lee Jessup, a contributor for Stage 32.

William Martell

TV is still based around writer's rooms - so it's just like any other job where you have to go to the office or store or factory or field where the vegetables are growing.

Ana "Quin" Quinata

I found myself asking those same questions. I do still want to move to Los Angeles but I am hoping that by the time I do, I will have some credibility to help me built while living here. The important thing to keep in mind is to work on your craft no matter where you might be! Best of luck to you.

Danielle Francis

If you're having doubts, i say take the big step and get out there!

Joe Bousquin

And this is what I love about Stage 32 - ask, and you get answers. Dan, that's a great video, thanks, and I do come from the world of journalism, so your comment gives me hope. Bill, I just finished the Creating Strong Protagonists Blue Book -- it was a revelation, thanks for writing it! Matt, thanks for setting the lay of the land!

William Martell

Thank you, Joe! Here's the possible alternative: A couple of years ago when I was at Raindance Film Fest in London they had a whole weekend on web series... and it was amazing. There were people (from all over the world, including out in the sticks in the USA) who just made their own TV shows and put them up on YouTube and eventually got enough of a following that they were picked up by distributors with YT "channels" that get a lot more traffic. These people are making money, making their own shows. So that's the weird new possibility in today's world.

Danny Manus

i think the answer is still yes. if you wanna do TV, LA or NY is where ya gotta be.

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