Screenwriting : Do you think 10 page table reads on YouTube are useful in promoting your screenplay to possible interested parties? by Rena Dunsworth

Rena Dunsworth

Do you think 10 page table reads on YouTube are useful in promoting your screenplay to possible interested parties?

I recently won a 1st Scene Competition and they filmed a 10 page table read and put it on YouTube. Do you think I can use this to promote my screenplay as a sort of pitch to potential producers? Has anyone ever done that sort of thing, and if so, what was the result?

Richard "RB" Botto

I think it would be more useful for you to gauge whether to make changes than it would be for an executive. Ultimately, an exec is going to want to read the material, see the formatting and such, and, of course, read the next 80-110 pages.

Rena Dunsworth

Thanks, how about agents? Would it be a way to get their interest, or is it really just for showing friends?

Richard "RB" Botto

This ^^

Shawn Speake

Huge congrats, Rena! I'm here to help! Take what you like, discard the rest. I am a working actor with an agent. First, though, I'm a Screenwriter. Polishing 3 features for pro coverage before I send them to my agent as writing samples. I believe the next step for you is finding out where you stand on craft by having your script reviewed by a professional service. Find out your strengths and weaknesses. Improve your craft as you build your catalogue with more stories. If you were to meet an agent right now, one of the first questions out of his mouth would be, what else you got?

Desiree Middleton

Table reads are when I as the screenwriter have a copy of my script and a felt tip pen and I make notes on everything:plot, dialogue, characterization, as its being read. I then take down feedback from the actors. You've got a great tool to help improve your screenplay. Congrats.

Rena Dunsworth

Thanks, I do have another screenplay. I'm in the process of polishing both. I have a third screenplay that is ready for some outline work, but still a ways from page one. I'm still trying to aee if there's a story there. The idea is great, but I'm still looking for a great story. The other two are in contests now as of this weekend. What do you guys think of contests? I just graduated in 2014 so I'm still new to the screenwriting game, so I appreciate the help. Thanks!

Arran McDermott

Congrats, Rena! I won a 1st scene competition too. Don't know if anything will come of it, but it's very cool to see prof. actors read my script and it's given me a bunch of ideas to tighten it up.

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