Screenwriting : Pens and stuff by Alejandro Ontiveros

Alejandro Ontiveros

Pens and stuff

Anybody prefer scribing their first drafts by hand? Do you have a sacred pen or pencil nobody is allowed to touch? Journal or loose leaf? Legal pad? Why is this your preference? I personally am clumsy with computers and use it only to process further drafts of a hand written manuscript. Anybody else do this or feel this way?

Ana "Quin" Quinata

My first drafts start out on paper. I have dozens of notebooks, legal pads, loose sheets of paper - anything that was within reach at the time. I got into the habit of physically writing it after an instructor grilled me for being a fan of the backspace button. Everything first in pen on paper.

Alejandro Ontiveros

no sacred pen though?

Ana "Quin" Quinata

No. No sacred pen because my pens grow legs. I do prefer gel ink if I have to pick. I feel it writes smoother.

Jessie Bernard

No sacred pens, but I always first draft by hand. Feels better.

Alejandro Ontiveros

Ha. They don't grow legs around here they get stolen by haters trying to stop my hustle. I haven't found a gel pen that works for me but I'll use even a pigment liner from my art box before I use a blue ink pen. Gel pens always drop the ink all choppy and then the page rips when you try to fill the hole in your letters.

Alejandro Ontiveros

Lol. My pen is sacred because you die if you touch it. I got it sanctified by a hoodoo priestess.

Erik Grossman

My grandfather-in-law wrote a novel in longhand and had it typed up by his wife later. I respect it... and I'll write the first act or so in longhand so I can "let the juices flow" as it were... but after awhile I just get onto Highland or WriterDuet and bust it out.

Matt Hurd

I'm back in the habit of always writing a full first draft by hand. Typing it out gives me (as Ana said) access to the evil "Backspace" button, and I wind up writing the first four pages over and over again. I go through phases when it comes to what I write with/on - sometimes it's gotta be a yellow legal pad, other times a spiral notebook or a journal...whatever feels right for the project I'm working on.

Alejandro Ontiveros

My handwritten manuscripts end up half college ruled half legal pad. I prefer zebra pens with the metal casing.. mine is a Zebra F-701. I have some Copic liners I have as backup just in case, but I'll settle for any old black pen eventually tbh. Felt tip pens are always a joyous welcome.

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