Hey everyone, I'm trying to put together my first demo reel but don't think I have enough professional material. What is your take on filming a monologue to include in the reel? Most casting notices ask for a demo reel, so I'd really like to put one together.
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Things have changed so rapidly over the last few years. What was never acceptable before is now the norm. Love to get some actor/casting director perspectives on this question.
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find a friend with a camera and shoot a little bit of footage. A reel only needs to be 1 minute.
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You could do a series of 'scenes' instead of one reel. Some Casting Directors prefer scenes, anyway. I do both on my site: http://www.stevejames.ca/steve-james-vancouver---actor-videos
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Something that has become an acceptable practice for those that don't have a reel (or even those that do have them) is filming an audition piece. Say you come across a project that has a similar character to an audition piece you have recorded, you would then include that video clip to your submission in lieu of a demo reel. I have peers who like me, have TV credits and a full demo reel, whose representation submit audition pieces to projects, if they don't yet have a certain type of character in their reel that fits the character in the casting notice. A monologue can be used for an audition piece, and if you're submitting for film and TV, definitely use a film/TV monologue and not theater. If you are submitting a monologue make sure it is similar to the character you are submitting for.