This recent article lists a number of lesser-known features with lesbian content, and also some of the leading film festivals that feature LGBT-themed films. The upshot of the article is that traditional "Coming Out" stories are now less successful than stories about intersectional relationships-race, class, sexuality, culture-with a new angle. "Lesbian Cinema" is a bit of a misnomer of course. It involves more than mere "representation"--i.e., one of the characters is ostensibly "lesbian"--and it also means more than a couple women kiss or make-out one night. The old Bechdel Test still applies: It has more than one important woman character, and the main story is not about a relationship with a guy. So "Gigli" and "Chasing Amy" don't qualify, but "Kissing Jessica Stein," is. In our film project, "Twelve Nights with Viola & Olivia,", FOUR female characters dominate the film, a potential Bechdel Test-Winner!