Screenwriting : Let's Write A Feature Together... by Shawn Speake

Shawn Speake

Let's Write A Feature Together...

What's good, Sexy ScreenWriters! If you're new here, you're in the right place. Screenwriting can change your life. Here's my experience. All of my success in acting last year, the big three, movies, tv series, and music videos came from my screenwriting. How does this happen? Well, there's thousands of actors in Denver and like, 4 writers. Every top-tier actor in the city needs a writer. I'm even writing for a major casting director. Because of my writing, they bring me along for assignments appropriate for my brand. Being white and ugly as ever actually works in this case :) But the point is, I'm there because they value my writing/talent. This doesn't happen without doing homework, I assure you. So... let's get your writing and craft together so you can roll like this too. Storytellers are in high demand! Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna write a feature at the same time. You write yours while I write mine. With ten years in the screenwriting game I believe it's most professional to start every story with a one page. So here's mine, write yours. If you post, I'll provide coverage compliments of S32. This is all about upgrading your level of story craft with templates I've found work for me. Up next are the beat sheets. If you find helpful please post, or I'll complete my feature on my own. This is the BIG BOSS FILMS 2017 FEATURE, MAD MOUNTAIN One Page. Whatever you do, best wishes with your goals in the '17! It's Go-Time!

Richard "RB" Botto

One of a thousand reasons why I dig you, Shawn. You get it, man. Always looking to help and inspire.

Pat Savage


Krista O'Connor

Love it! I am down! Congrats on your successes!

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Well done my friend.

Linda Hullinger

Sounds like fun! :-)

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