Screenwriting : Writers on Twitter by Kerri Philpott

Kerri Philpott

Writers on Twitter

If Twitter is part of your social media routine, @Fizzhogg has published, over a series of 3 posts, what he describes as a list of professional screenwriters who freely use their feeds to share advice and knowledge. As a number of them wrote or currently write projects I like, I found access to their feeds quite valuable.

Richard "RB" Botto

I use Twitter (@rbwalksintoabar) - Just make sure you're using it to your benefit and not falling down the rabbit hole and wasting time! Social media should be a tool!

Dan MaxXx

Yup, I saw his rant last night. Pretty much list the Who's who. I'd say Terry Rossio's website still ranks #1. Openly shares his life, Ups and downs, as a Hollywood Writer.

Richard "RB" Botto

Do it all on my own, Aray!

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