Introduce Yourself : New to Stage32 by Madison Hughes

Madison Hughes

New to Stage32

Hello there! My name is Madison Hughes, I am a young, aspiring screenwriter, one of many on this platform I'm sure. I was recently a finalist in the Set In Philadelphia screenwriting competition, where I was one of the final five in the teleplay section! The script I submitted was Haunt, a supernatural procedural about helping ghosts move on to the after life. Hoping I can hone my craft even more, develop and write more scripts, and begin my career in earnest!

Kyle Climans


Tiberius Drebot

Hi! I am glad to meet you here! I live in Romania and I am working to my first video project, to make a short commercial video (30 sec) for a good friend of mine which sells purses online. Would help me a lot if you would be intersted to a colaboration :)

Madison Hughes

Thanks for the offer Tiberius, but I'm not looking for that sort of colab right now.

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