Screenwriting : Description by Roberto Dragonne

Roberto Dragonne


I'm writing a scene that takes place during a baseball game. If the action is on the field, how should I put it, EXT. BASEBALL FIELD or INT. BASEBALL STADIUM?

Scot Michael Walker

EXT. because they look at weather when scheduling exterior scenes.

Doug Nelson

If you're not in a domed stadium - it's EXT.

Roberto Dragonne

Thank you all for your answers.

Travis Sharp

If it's Wrigley Field you could put


Chad Stroman

IMHAO: If you are introducing the stadium at the MACRO level (field, stands, etc.) then you would EXT. BASEBALL FIELD or if it's a named/known entity or the proper name is referenced in dialogue in your script then you label it thus: EXT. ST MARTIN'S HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL FIELD. You can also label it in context: EXT. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL FIELD or EXT. MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL FIELD.

Then from the MACRO level if the action is focused on the field you would have the main slugline/scene heading, your introductory action (the crowd cheers and jeers, etc.) and then you would have a SCENE SUB HEADING such as ON THE FIELD (all the kids pick daisies, scratch their crotches, wear their gloves on their heads and generally focus on anything but baseball.) Hope that helps.

Roberto Dragonne

It helps a lot Chad, thank you.

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