Success Stories: JAN'27 Good pitch session

J G Blodgett

Good pitch session

My pitch session with Casey Bond from Higher Purpose Entertainment went very well!! What an awesome guy Casey is. Looking forward to some feedback... to be continued...

Chad Stroman

Congrats! Hope it keeps rolling for you.

Richard "RB" Botto

Casey is one insightful fella. Always brings sound advice. So glad it went well J G!

Stephen Foster


J G Blodgett

Thank you, all. Casey had a lot of awesome stuff to say. He ultimately passed but it was the best pass ever, lol.

Kim McKay

What's the best way to get something in front of Casey? I just joined this site.

J G Blodgett

Kim McKay I simply saw Casey requesting pitches, but I am pretty sure you can submit something at anytime for a larger fee.

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