Success Stories: JAN'30 Finally

Antwon Taylor


Hello to all. I am, as of recently, an official employee (Screenwriter and Resource Development), of the legendary, re-emerging Cannon Films, the company that brought you classics such as: Bloodsport, Kickboxer, Death Wish, Delta Force, Cyborg, Cobra, Superman 4, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and many more. I mentioned a while back about writing a wrestling comedy for these guys, but that project as been put on hold, as other projects have been presented and are currently in the works. I am not in liberty to discuss the nature of these projects at the moment, but I will be sure to keep you guys posted. I wish you all much success on your journey.

Izzibella Beau

Congrats on the job, Antwon. Is this a new career move?

Antwon Taylor

Hi, Izzibella. Thank you very much. And, yes, this is definitely my new and much sought after career move.

C Harris Lynn

HAHAHA! I LOVED Cannon Films! In fact, I watched a doc about the founders a few months back, and have the doc THEY made before their passing in my queue. It hasn't hit streaming yet but, when it does, I'll be watching. Definitely keep us informed! I run some blogs on which I'd love to post some info. They're very low traffic, but they do well in trends. Congrats!

Antwon Taylor

Wow, ok, C Harris Lynn! And very much appreciated bro. Will be sure to keep you informed.

Daniel Flint

Oh no! CANNON is BACK!? Superman 4, kill me now.

Antwon Taylor

Oh yes! That's right, Daniel! Back to do it bigger and better than ever. You'll be alright. Can't please everyone. And thanks Jim! Have a blessed one, bro.

Jon Ciano

That's great! Congrats!!! Bring on Kickboxer 2 - The Sloane Brothers are BOTH paralyzed now. Karl was paralyzed by an evil robot (voiced by Dwayne Johnson) and only his sons played by Zac Efron and Andy Samberg can save the day. Come on, that's funny. :)

Jon Eric Smith

fantastic job...

Antwon Taylor

Thanks, Jon Ciano! That is quite funny, Jon. However, there have been talks of a couple of sequels. Stay tuned...

Thanks, Jon Eric Smith!

Ryan Freng

Loved bloodsport as a kid (that sentence sounds weird). Congrats!

Antwon Taylor

I think most boys did, Ryan. Lol. And thanks, bro!

Daniel Flint

Antwon, really it sounds like a great job, don't get me wrong. I loved those films too! And the story of Canon is legendary, but if you are talking about CANNON FILMS LTD, they are no way connected to the original, but as i understand it, are a new company who patterns itself on the original. So suggesting that it is the same company that brought us Blood Sport and Death Wish, is , i think false advertising. Please set me straight if I am wrong. Regardless, it sounds like a great opportunity!

Stephen Foster

congrats! WooHoo

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Antwon! Great to have you on S32

Christian Pius

Thank God!

Antwon Taylor

Stephen, Shawn, Christian, and Nadine, thank you guys. Very much appreciated.

Daniel, to make it short and sweet, Gabriel inherited the company from his uncle, Manehem Golan. No, it is not Cannon Ltd. So, yes, Cannon Films, formerly known as The Cannon Group, is definitely the real deal, and is back. And, of course, the goal is to make Cannon bigger and better than ever. And thank you for the congrats as well. Have a blessed one

Luis White

Hello, I have the best possible project for CANNON"

Antwon Taylor

Thanks, Luis. Will check it out.

Patrice Thomas

Congratulations. God bless you. I'm an interested writer. Please keep me in mind of projects for Cannon; I have plenty of completed material. But again SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU Antwon Taylor.

Raja Riaz M Khan

Hello, I have stories for co production / if your Cannon is intrested in making joint venture in Pakistan,

Dianna Renée

Sounds awesome.

Antwon Taylor

Thanks alot, Patrice and Dianna. To Patrice and Raja, you are welcome to send me a pm with further details. Thank you.

Jorge J Prieto

Good luck Antwon, loved all the films Cannon produced, can't forget "Break Dancing" and the sequel.

Anne Devina Reeve

well done and good for you Antwan, how exciting...loved Death Wish ...

Keith Wilhelm Kopp

Bloodsport is a classic, use to watch it with my dad growing up, alongside loads of other Cannon films. Good luck.

Abhishek Singh Er

welcome !! we will wait for your post ..good luck..

Daniel Flint

GOT IT! there is another group calling themselves "Cannon films ltd" run by Richard Albisten, seems like a bit of infringement there on their part. Is the company public yet? does it have a website?

Antwon Taylor

Jorge, Anne, Boomer, Keith, Abhishek, thank you guys very much. You all are very much appreciated.

Daniel, Cannon has a couple or more legal actions in process as we speak against these infringers. Yes, the company has indeed gone public. The website is:

By the way, announcements will be made soon in regards to Cannon's first ever film festival. Everyone stay tuned and I will keep u guys posted with details regarding the festival. Thanks again to everyone.

Richard "RB" Botto

I find it extremely cool that Cannon is back on the rise. Best wishes with all, Antwon.

Antwon Taylor

Thank you immensely, Richard. Very much appreciated. By the way, though my current situation did not result from networking on Stage32, I still have a great deal of respect for this brilliant site, hence the reason I am still here networking. I will also continue to spread the word of Stage32. Much respect to you and much success to you on your journey.

Erik A. Jacobson

A friend familiar with the old Cannon Films once told me they kept seven sets of books. Which one they opened depended on who walked in the door. Hopefully, the new version of the company will have a better reputation.

Travis Sharp

RB and Antwon... get a room! LOL, just kidding. Good to see mutual respect shown.

Richard "RB" Botto

Thanks, Antwon!

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