Acting : Real offer or scam? by Joshua Panagiotou

Joshua Panagiotou

Real offer or scam?

I saw a casting call and applied to it. I got it but the job is the the USA and I'm in Canada. They want to e transfer me the money and go to the travel agent to get my ticket and work visa and pay the travel agent with the money they e transfer me. They haven't sent the money yet but I'm new to this and don't know if this is how it works. I assumed the company signing you on would take care of everything and not e transfer you funds to deal with. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

JD Hartman

Scam. You haven't accepted, so they haven't set the hook yet. When you accept the job, they ask for some sort of processing fee or personal information so they can raid your bank account. This sort of scam has been discussed before.

Joshua Panagiotou

Thank you so much man. I had a gut feeling it was. Bummer.

Rachel Rath

They'd need certain info from you to sort out your project specific O-1 visa If they've not asked you for any of this yet then I'm with JD. Yikes :(

JD Hartman

O-1 artists visa, big red flag here. Not too many people are Charles Durning.

Joshua Panagiotou

Thanks guys. They did end up FedEx-ing me a check even after I was questioning them. It was a bad fake. Thanks so much for the help! I will look into the O-1 visa so I know for next time.

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