Introduce Yourself : Greetings by Alan Nettles

Alan Nettles


Hello Everyone,

My name is Alan Nettles, and I'm a writer/director from Buffalo, New York. I'm currently in the development stage on a few independent film projects. It is a pleasure to connect with everyone on this terrific platform. Please don't be a stranger, and check out my professional website anytime:

Kieran Kaye

Hi Alan, Nice to meet you (sort of!). Your short film 3 Blind Boys seems interesting. Can I ask where you get your post production audio edited and mixed?

Vladislav Nogin

Hello Alan, welcome!

Alan Nettles

@Kieran Thanks for checking out the film. My editor for the film works out of New York. Terrific guy! I truly enjoyed working with him. My sound team work out of Nashville. All of them worked on this film "pro-bono" simply because they believed in the vision of the film. It was quite an extraordinary experience.

Kieran Kaye

That's awesome, it's great when there's a community backing you!! Good luck with everything and let me know if you need any help with any future projects!

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