Introduce Yourself : Newbie by April Alsbury

April Alsbury


Well.. I just started bg work and trying to discover myself again.. raising a family hid the potential in me. I hope to learn all I can. To overcome the anxieties that have kept me from the work I believe I'm here to do.

Hello to everyone

Kyle Climans

Welcome to the site!

Vladislav Nogin

Welcome, April!

Christopher Henry

Welcome aboard! And I'd venture to say that raising a family actually gave you some great perspectives that will help you on this path. :)

Jackie Kirkpatrick

Welcome, never too late to rediscover one's self. I am trying to do the same.

John Raucci

Best of luck on your journey, April.

Ally Shina

Welcome April!

Rose Westfall

Same here April, finally have time for my work now! You can do it!

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