Producing : Looking for Action- Orienteded Comedy Producers by Raymond J. Negron

Raymond J. Negron

Looking for Action- Orienteded Comedy Producers

Hello, looking for some Producers who have there wieght in salt and who love comedy. Are there any booty shakers and comedy love makers out there? Looking to connect with the entreprenerual driven spirit.

Thank you!

Raymond J. Negron

Hey Vitaly, read my script and tell me what you think my man. Then we can talk. Awesome!

Erik A. Jacobson

No offense intended, Ray. But always use 'Spell Check' before sending a message to producers. It will boost their opinion of you immensely.

Raymond J. Negron

Hey Erik,

Thank you I think faster than I write. I'm a native New Yorker. I do appreciate the feedback as I'm always looking to improve my state. You would make a great coach :). Much Love Erik. Raymond J.Negron

Dicky Tanuwidjaya

Everyone wants someone else to find the money for them :)

Raymond J. Negron

Lets keep this positive. Just know the value of your work and keep pushing forward. You have to be willing to do what everybody else is unwilling to do. Not everybody is going to see your vision, your greatness and your wherewithal to keep pushing forward. When you meet the person who does, you go with them protecting that relationship and with momentum, god speed and doing whatever it takes to make the vision happen. The obstacles are the way. You have to love when people tell you "No," it gives you fodder for finding your "Yes!" Don't give up! I'm definitely not.

Vanessa Bailey

Hey Raymond! I'm a writer who self-produced my first short film by crowdfunding (fuve crowdfunds, actually) through Indiegogo and Kickstarter. I realise you may be addressing the issue of funding a feature, but I did find that going out and being proactive on the producing side helped me find others willing to add their professional experience to the project. You can see the trailer here, to judge how successful or not I was! ;) I found that a positive online presence on Twitter helped immensely and I was able to connect like-minded collaborators who all enriched the film immensely, with recognisable credits in British TV and Film (Downton Abbey, Sherlock etc...) If you have a strong script then it will open doors for you. Best of luck with your projects - and yes, keep it positive everyone! ;)

Raymond J. Negron

Hey Vanessa, thank you for your response. I will support you and retweet your work. Awesome! Yes, I'm looking to procure my work and grab some writing assignments and of course move towards scaling up and getting my work in the right hands. I'm someone who will make the calls and not just leave it up to the manager. Thank you for the advice you've given. I uploaded the first act of my script "I Am, Yodel!" if anyone who loves comedy is interested in odd-ball comedy and likes laughter, ladened with philosophy and the heros journey.It's under my loglines. Much Love,

Keep on keeping on!

Warm Regards,


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