Introduce Yourself : Ramon Olivo, Writer, Video Producer by Ramon Olivo

Ramon Olivo

Ramon Olivo, Writer, Video Producer

Hi everyone, I'm a video producer out of New York City trying to break into screenwriting!

Jon McCary

Cool Ramon, what have you written?

April Ranck

Hello Ramon, good luck and looking forward to seeing your final product.

Ramon Olivo

Hi everyone! Hi Jon, it's a project I've been working on for several years and I've finally created what I feel is my final draft. It's a drama/Dark Fantasy

Ramon Olivo

Thank you April!

Izzibella Beau

Hey, Ramon, welcome.

Ramon Olivo

Thank you Izzibella!

Christopher Henry

Welcome aboard, Ramon!

Raja Riaz M Khan

Hey welcome

Ramon Olivo

Hello Christopher and Raja

Vladislav Nogin

Hi Ramon! Welcome.

Ramon Olivo

Thank you Christopher and Raja

Allen Lynch

Welcome Ramon! Good luck! Allen

Ramon Olivo

Thank you Allen!

Don Dobrez Jr

Welcome Ramon!

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