Screenwriting : Following up by Theresa Drew

Theresa Drew

Following up

I got a read request from an agency and sent them some of m scripts three months ago and haven't heard back. I assume that means they're passing but I'd like to know for sure. Does anyone know the most polite and appropriate way to follow up ?

Edward Donnelly

I think it is fine to follow up after three months.

Raymond J. Negron

Give them a ring Theresa! (with Spanish accent). Because I'm half, that's why.

The fortune is in the follow up! Call them up and say "What's up buttercup?" No, don't say that, say this.

"Hey my name is Theresa, Theresa Drew I sent you a script as advised by one of your agents and I'm looking to see what you thought and seek some professional advice on the matter." (Pause) Wait, smile, don't pee the pants and see what they say.

Hope that helped. I know it's nerve wracking as I'm just getting gusto to do this and I am a Salesman by trade. Your work is the most important work, because it comes from your heart, sould and seed. I believe if you did this, it would help. Please let me know what you think? Good "Fortune," Luck! My fee is 10% :)

Warm Regards,

Raymond J.Negron

Jody Ellis

It's appropriate to email them and inquire. I would not call them. You're probably correct in assuming it's a "pass" but you never know. I've had producers reach out to me after 5-6 months!

And if they email you back and say no thanks, you should follow up with a thank you for taking the time to read and respond, and make mention of another script you have that might interest them. That's how these relationships are formed.

C Harris Lynn

Actually with agencies, it can go either way - they're notoriously slow - so don't fret. 90 days is a good time to wait before reaching-out, so you're good. I would e-mail them, as Jody said, and not call them. If you don't hear back from them after a couple weeks, I'd consider it a Pass and get busy submitting to new folks! :)

Bill Costantini

If it's an a literary or management agency....I'd call the person and ask "what's up?" Maybe the person doesn't work there anymore. If they requested the script, and haven't got back to you in three months....they owe you an least in my opinion.

Good luck, Theresa!

Theresa Drew

Thanks for all the great tips!

Eric Christopherson

A former development exec and now producer told me today it's usually no more than a month to hear back if it's going to be positive news, and that after that time a brief, polite email is acceptable to inquire. On the other hand, I just heard back from a Toronto production company after five months of hearing nothing.

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