Coat of Arms discusses epigenetics with three-year-old, identical twins Lucy and Sophia! Directed, produced, and written by Coat of Arms owners Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque (who also happen to be the twins’ parents), this very short film (1.5 minutes) called Same Same But Different explores how our DNA is affected by what we eat, where we live, and what we do.
That’s called epigenetics. According to whatisepigentics.com, “Certain circumstances in life can cause genes to be silenced or expressed over time. In other words, they can be turned off or turned on [based on lifestyle choices we make].”
Inspired to explore science from the perspective of toddlers, the film discusses the basic science behind gene modification as it relates to these identical twins, who notice daily how Same Same but Different they are from each other. The girls and their mother leave you with one simple message: Eat your leafy greens so that you, too, can tell a really good story.
Coat of Arms hopes to explore more scientific topics with the girls, like parallel worlds, plasma, and global warming as part of a larger series entitled, Lullaby Theories. Coat of Arms is on a mission to make complex scientific theories more approachable and to encourage women and children to explore the world through science. Recently the little film was selected by Film Shortage for their "Daily Short Pick." But you can also watch it here:
Enjoy the film and leave us your thoughts in the comments!