Introduce Yourself : VFX Studio in Los Angeles... looking for new projects.. by Steven Blasini

Steven Blasini

VFX Studio in Los Angeles... looking for new projects..

Hello all...

My name is Steven Blasini.. and together with my wife, BenniQue Blasini, we have owned and operated our own boutique Visual Effects Studio in the San Fernando Valley now for 17 years. And, no, we never fight! ;-)

We have worked on nearly 100 features, both for the BIG and the little screens.. and specialize in independent productions where budgets are a concern. We are fully scalable... which means that, unlike a typical studio, we can grow and shrink as needed so requirements can be met.

We've had clients ranging from SY-FY Channel, Lifetime, HBO, STARZ as well as local film studios and smaller productions.

Check out our company website..

and see if there's anything we can take care of for you!

We thoroughly enjoy working together to forge new and amazing creations!! Looking forward to YOUR project!

Thanks for your time,

Steven M. Blasini

Visual Effects Supervisor

BFX Imageworks

Ally Shina

Welcome Steven!

Vladislav Nogin

Hello Steven, welcome!

Izzibella Beau

Hello, Steven, welcome. I just checked out your website and was really impressed with your work. Congrats on all of your success. Wow, self-taught, that's impressive for special effects. I can't even get my own website done correctly LOL. Please let me know if I can ever help out in any way, but it seems you and your wife have it all together and do great work together.

Steven Blasini

Hi Aray, we do it all.... from 6K features to Web Series... also graphic design, main and end titles.. as well as editing. Thanks for asking. Steve

Pidge Jobst

Contacting you via your website --Pidge

Brian Alan DeLaney

Welcome! Some great stuff on your demo reel. ICE SPIDERS!

Chad Stroman

Nice work. Welcome!

Steven Blasini

Brian Alan DeLaney... GOOD EYE!!! ;-) Ice Spiders was tons of fun!! ;-)

Brian Alan DeLaney

It's definitely one of the better SyFy monster movies.

Rod White

Check out our website: to pick and choose which project[s] listed below you would be interested.

Cherelynn Baker

Thanks for sharing your business!

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