Introduce Yourself : Music Services by Eric Palumbo

Eric Palumbo

Music Services

Hello All,

I would love to connect with any all and creative types who utilize music in their projects. At Tape to Tape Music ( we provide music services by licensing existing songs, creating custom scores and full music supervision guidance for any project.

We believe in the power of music to help people tell their stories and would love to hear about yours. I look forward to connecting and collaborating.



Raja Riaz M Khan

Hello stage 32 i am a actor/presenter and writer from Pakistan I appreciate the effort of Richard Botto founder of stage 32 providing the platform where the show biz personalities can share their experience.

Can any one tell me where to get the free legal help to recover my talent fee for 100 episodes from ATN CANADA.

James Drago

Hello Eric.

James Drago

They know RB in Pakistan. That's rad. Hello, Raja.

Ally Shina

Hello Eric!

Raja Riaz M Khan

Hello James what is RB?

Allen Lynch

Hello Eric!

James Drago

RB is Richard "RB" Botto. He is the CEO of Stage 32. You should check out all his blogs and interviews.

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