Help! I'm in the final stages of getting my comedy TV Show pilot ready to pitch, and I've seen various examples of a "pitching" template. What is the proper template to pitch to agents/managers/producers?
Is it the following, and is it 2 pages or 1 page only?
1) Title
2) Logline
3) Series Summary or Pilot Summary?
4) Main characters info
5) Future episodes/arcs loglines? (say your series is 8 episodes, do you write loglines for all 8 or only give like 3-4 episodes examples?)
Any info or links to examples would be helpful.
Thank you,
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There is a pitching template somewhere on this very site. Do a pilot summary, then a brief series summary, skip the character info (other than brief description). Break a leg! :)
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Thanks, C Harris Lynn! I've seen so many different examples, so wasn't sure! I will browse this site too and see if I can find the template you mentioned.
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Hi David, the template pdf is located on the following page, its link found at the bottom of the left column: I hope it helps. :)
Not sure what you are asking, Aray... But the template/tips pdf made available by Happy Writers is for either a written or a verbal pitch. If you have any questions, I kindly suggest sending those to Happy Writers; one of the coordinators should be able to assist you: ;)
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Beth Fox Heisinger , thank you for the template!!! And best of luck on your pitch Aray Brown