Hi Y'all (I love that word and I can use it bc I'm in the South now); --I've been involved in the film industry in one capacity or another for more than 20 years and I've been a writer ever since a child. I received my first paying job as a writer when I was picked as a teen-beat columnist while in high school for the Daily News, Los Angeles (my hometown). I went on to get a BA in journalism and worked as a newspaper reporter and magazine editor for several years. Realizing the stress vs. pay parity wasn't worth it, I decided to write, edit and take photography freelance. I also have written a couple of scripts and short stories and I'm currently writing a blog, a screenplay and finally chose a topic for the book I'm starting to write. --Having time on my hands to build my freelance career, I began helping my then husband with his work in special make-up f/x (kinda keep the money in-house type thing). I had also taken drama and acting courses in high school and college and again after working as a full-time editor--which I must say I'm very good at--and with my industry connections, I was Taft Hartleyed into SAG. --I worked on several films and had a few day-player roles before moving to North Carolina. NC was supposed to be the new industry hub, like Atlanta is now, but a 10% tax incentive for a Miley Cyrus film written around NC was dropped by the governor. So Atlanta stepped up and doubled the tax incentive, the film went there instead and Atlanta (that has now about tripled the initial tax incentive) has become the new in-place to film (for now). --A divorce, not to mention a crazed, gay, paranoid-schizophrenic guy stalking me, led me to Florida (I also like that I can afford to own a home walking distance to the beach). There is not much work here for actors, but I can write. Until I move to a place where there is acting work, I am focused on my writing. In truth, my writing has always been my number one love (sorry guys... ). --For these reasons, I am happy for my connection to Stage 32 and to ALL the wonderfully talented people on this site! I am often surprised at the enormous amount of talent and experience that flood these site walls and I'm honored to be a part of it. --Thanks, and I hope nothing but the best for y'all and for you each to break at least one leg. Cheryl --P/S: Please see my logline I just uploaded, and its synopsis, for either a film or a mini-series I am writing. As well, if anyone has writing needs, such as help writing a screenplay or a writing partner, or if there is an acting role that I may fit (please also see my recently uploaded pics), please contact me.
Good Luck Cheryl!
Nice to meet you Vincent. We kind of have the opposite thing going on in which I live in FL and my family lives in L. That you say you live in LA now, does that mean you're from FL orginally?
Nice to meet you Cheryl!
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Hell of an introduction, Cheryl! Very informative and so many discussion avenues. I hope the crew here can help you get in touch with the right people. Doesn't matter where you live or what struggles you fight - we're all here to support it.
Thank you Christopher. You really make me feel at home here and there's a family-type environment where people really want to help each other. It's very nice to know.
Allen Lynch, WOW! You have an impressive career, one that most of us dream about. You are more proof there is a lot of talent on this site--thank you.
welcome buddy
Awesome Cheryl! Lets connect! Best. RJN
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Thank you for those kind words Cheryl. I have been very fortunate to have worked with a lot of talented people all over the world. Connecting with creative people is a gift. I've met some great people here at Stage 32 including you.
Hi Cheryl!
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Hi James. Nice to make your acquaintance.
Same here!