Hello all,
My name is Michael Bishop a professional dancer and emerging choreographer located in Manhattan New York. Im excited to be joining Stage32 and to get to know you amazing people. I am currently working on raising funds for a piece Ive choreographed titled "Dame En Attente" which means Lady In Waiting. This piece speaks to the societal standards that have been placed on women in terms of worth and beauty. Dame En Attente encourages women to not be afraid to accept every part of themselves as worthy and beautiful in the face of societal pressures. I have attached a link below to the kickstarter. If you have the time please take a look, share, donate and I hope you have a great sunday.
welcome to stage 32
Welcome Michael!
thank you!
Thank you so much for supporting Aray! I really appreciated your help. Would you be able to share the link?
Welcome Mr Bishop!