It is that! On the flip side of the coin, it's nice to have all these instruments at my fingertips to help better express myself and to be able to offer budget friendly music production.
Thrilled at the prospect of what this product toots itself to be. I just upgraded my Composers Cloud subscription to CloudX and am going over new microphone positions for my Steinway, Beckstein, Bosendorfer, and Yamaha, today. Its really a near perfect package the Composers Cloud and I understand some of the new Choir from East West will be in it.
Yes, can't wait! Apparently the new Wordl Builder is much improved :D
Yea that's why they're touting is the new phrases and word builder being pretty revolutionary in the Choir space. I can't wait to hear it!!
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Looking forward to hearing it. I believe Spitfire has one in the works, as well. What a money pit, huh? lol
Oh man, a deep one!! Lol
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It is that! On the flip side of the coin, it's nice to have all these instruments at my fingertips to help better express myself and to be able to offer budget friendly music production.
I've already upgraded and waiting semi-patiently for Fall :)
Thrilled at the prospect of what this product toots itself to be. I just upgraded my Composers Cloud subscription to CloudX and am going over new microphone positions for my Steinway, Beckstein, Bosendorfer, and Yamaha, today. Its really a near perfect package the Composers Cloud and I understand some of the new Choir from East West will be in it.