Introduce Yourself : Hi. I'm new here. :) by Kristy Ellington

Kristy Ellington

Hi. I'm new here. :)

First day on Stage 32 and I'm excited to be a part of the community! I'm a first time screenwriter that's been working on a story for the last 5 years, but have been writing in one form or another — newsletters, newspapers, blogs, ebooks, poetry, songs, novels, and my own DIY stage plays as a kid — for as long as I can remember. Finally at the point in my life where I feel like it's "now or never" when it comes to scratching this itch. I'm a content marketing and social media director by day, but fully owning the "screenwriter" title by night. Stoked to learn from you all and hopefully can contribute to your experience as well. Cheers!

Valyo Gennoff

Hi, Kristy! Welcome! I'm also a "night" film composer. LOL

Vince Conside

Welcome Kristy

Kyle Climans

Welcome to Stage32!

Allen Lynch

Welcome & Good Luck Kristy!

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