Anything Goes : AFM - going and Saturday cocktails? by Cherelynn Baker

Cherelynn Baker

AFM - going and Saturday cocktails?

Hi Stage32,

Checking in for AFM this year - who's going and who's having cocktails at the carousel on Saturday?

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

I am going November 4th- November 7th with the (5) copyrighted screenplays of City & Suburban Motion Pictures. Hope to see you there.

Cherelynn Baker

Hi Steven, see you there! I'll be there Nov 3-7! Taking 4 projects!

Rodney Wild

I will be in town as well (3-7th) and if my memory serves I picked the Sat evening Carousel. Would love to meet some stage32 people there. If you are going and interested in meeting let me know!

Renee Topper

I will be there with Story Matter projects:) See you at the Carousel!

Rodney Wild

Did not see any stage 32 people there, sorry I missed everyone.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Rodney Wild I did not go either but I know stage 32 was well represented. As a matter of fact I believe Richard "RB" Botto & Amanda Toney participated in a panel discussion on crowd sourcing / crowd funding which was timely considering "RB" just came out with a book on those topics. Oh well, there is always next year. Besides I only had (3)copyrighted scripts to go with and it is probably better I go with more. I should have (6) by next November because I am working on the other (3) as of this writing. And all (3) have scene cards to the end, and at least 30 pages of dialogue already. I am sure there were some members there. Perhaps they were just flying below the radar as sometimes happens.

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