Hello all,
My name is J.G. Blodgett and I am the creator and co-writer of COFFEE, a thriller that found its roots right here on Stage 32!! About a year (maybe two) ago, I put out a lounge post prompting anyone who was interested to contact me about collaborating on a script that I hoped to shoot one day, about a man that has four random conversation in a coffee shop which may or may not alter a big decision that he has to make, leading up to a possibly tragic end that not even I knew until we got to it. I had a lot of initial interest but only two writers that stuck with the project: Arran McDermott and Shelly Paino . And I am glad they did, because these two both have a talent for engaging, witty dialogue!! You can check out a blog that Arran wrote on my website all about our experience so far: https://www.jgblodgett.com/single-post/2017/07/24/COFFEE-%E2%80%94-Coffe...
So, now we are nearing the end of development and are looking to dive headfirst into pre-production, and we will be raising the funds for this step via an Indiegogo campaign, to be launched very soon, followed by subsequent campaigns for production, post-production and then a festival run. We are very excited about taking this next step and would love for you all to be a part of it!! This will not just be a project for our own self-fulfillment, as we plan to network with independent coffee shops (I've already made some really cool contacts, great people) in order to benefit their business, as well as bring in the local art community on the project to help showcase their work in any way we can, which will hopefully lead to direct sales and future success for all involved.
I've already worked with an awesome crew on the last two films that I was lucky enough to be a part of, and feel very confident moving forward with some tried and tested talent!!
We also have a dream cast in mind, of course, and the more successful our campaign the more B-list and A-list talent we can bring on!!
If any of this sounds like something that you want to be involved in, please follow the link above to my website and subscribe!! Or click this link and drop me a line, I can't wait to hear from you: https://www.jgblodgett.com/contact
Thanks for taking the time :-) I believe in supporting right back, so if you jump on board, please tell me how I and my crew can help support you on your project.