Producing : Issues with showing Street / Apartment / Building Numbers on Exterior Shots? by Paul Todd

Paul Todd

Issues with showing Street / Apartment / Building Numbers on Exterior Shots?

Hey guys, hope you're all well.

Trying to figure out if I'll have an issue with visible building / street numbers on apartments seen in exterior shots we're using in a web-series. For example, we see the exterior of an apartment building from the street, with the street number on the front of the building. Given that it's publicly visible and not obscured or blurred when looking at the same location via Google Street View, I'm assuming it'll be okay.

Any advice is appreciated.



David Trotti

It should not be an issue unless you specifically state something demeaning regarding the specific address (ie: "This place is haunted" or "This place is full of vermin") that might result in devaluation of the property. I've done lots of TV and feature work and have never been restricted from seeing street addresses and buildings. Murals and artwork are protected, though.

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