In INTERRACIAL, where you live and work, whom you adopt and even who you marry, is decided upon your personal level of ethnic diversity, and that diversity is a celebrated source of pride.
For Morely and Tom, this isn’t imagination, it’s reality. When Tom and Morely finally get around to setting a wedding date, but when they discover that they have miscalculated and a rule change means they are not allowed to marry, Morely believes they’ll find a way around it. And when Tom’s best friend David starts trying to woo Morely, his jealousy forces them to take some drastic measures to be together.
INTERRACIAL is set in the near future in the US in a world that is recovering from a race war and combines some of the ideologies of Veronica Roth’s Divergent with Jeff Nichol’s Loving and is my first completed feature screenplay.
While I know that the subject matter is considered touchy in today’s world, I’d like you to stop and consider something. What if this story was about gender and not about race? You see we’ve had the same social discussion at different times, about who has the right to marry another person. At first, it was about race, but more recently, it was about gender. I believe that people can relate to this story, as much today, as they could 50 years ago when Richard and Mildred Loving first got married.
I wrote INTERRACIAL as a new twist on the age-old tale of star-crossed lovers who fight to be together. It's as old as Romeo and Juliette. What matters in the end is love. Anytime we have people who police who can get married and who cannot, be they parents, society or governments, people are not free to fully participate in the world around them and contribute back to society.
To say it's a passion project is an understatement. It is a humble attempt on my part to ignite discussions about HOW to change the world we live in. We know it's not perfect, and in some ways, fractured. We spend endless amounts of energy analyzing what is wrong and how it impacts people's lives. We need to shift the discussions to how we can collectively repair the fractures and re-unite.
I hope you can appreciate my project, but either way, I'd love to hear what you think and feel about it.
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Hey, Barabara, that's a really interesting idea and I'd love to read it. Would you be willing to read and give constructive criticism on 1 of my scripts in exchange?
Hi Daniel! Absolutely! Send me a pm. I sent over a connection request.