Anything Goes : Gotta see this !! by Deana Moody

Gotta see this !!

My name is Deana Moody I am an Author & Writer, and I also write songs I live in Mesa, Arizona. I write with passion and creativity, I have written two books Being Bullied and Teased hurts & From a Miracle to a Tragedy, and working on my first novel. My book called Being Bullied and Teased Hurts, is very dear to me. Not just because my younger son who died was bullied in school. Everywhere every day you hear about someone being bullied And Teased somewhere. Most of the time the ending is death, because a person can only take so much. They just can't take it anymore, this is a big problem all over the world. And it needs to stop, teenage suicide death is the third most leading cause because their Bullied to the point of no return. My goal is to have my Bully book not only in every school across America. But to start the biggest Bullying campaign ever. And this book would make a very touching and eye opening movie. Would even like to have my own talk show, there is no limit on what we can do. Join me to help stop Bullying one child at a time...

Below is a brief summary of my book.

Being Bullied And Teased Hurts!! Is about a Jr. High school girl named Maria, who is unwanted by her own Mother. As it's not enough that she struggles trying to get her Mother to love and want her. As she starts Jr high school which should be a memorable time in her life. Instead she is Bullied and teased so bad, she is beaten and so much more. But through it all how Maria overcomes all of what life throws at her. This will melt your heart and is not your typical Bullying movie ending. Want to know more?? With Jerry Sanders CEO SANCO ENTERTAINMENT!!#

Deana Moody

Tele: 623-297-9645

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