Acting : How do I become Famous? by Jeff Stronghold

Jeff Stronghold

How do I become Famous?

Hi I am Travis I love to act and Would Like an oppurtuinity I am 15 ut nearly 16 years old I love a crowd and a camera please help me out! I want to act!

Teophiel Weston

Well becoming famous is another story but depending on your area you should have local theater. Start there and build your credibility and keep on a look out for indie films auditions as well.

Shaun O'Banion

Anybody who ever started out wanting to be "famous" started out with the wrong plan. Acting is a craft just like any other. A craft to be respected and taken seriously. It's also a career that requires an incredible amount of good fortune to become famous - mixed with a level of talent and charisma that makes one unique. If you want to act, do that. Don't try to get famous. Leave that to the Kardashian's and other reality tv stars with sex tapes. It takes very little talent these days to get famous... but at what cost?

Shawn Speake

Your head's in the wrong place, homie. Its about craft, Travis. The better question is: How do I grow as an actor?

Shawn Speake

I also a working actor. Here I am with my S32 connect on the set of PRISON BREAK. A lifetime movie.

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