Acting : Theme Park Jobs: Good Career Moves? by Alec Patchin

Alec Patchin

Theme Park Jobs: Good Career Moves?

I have recently auditioned and been placed on the "Final Consideration List" for a theme park performer job in Japan. While it is a nice gig with good pay, my career goals are focused on being a film actor and a 13 month contract in Japan would seem to put that on hold. Would this be a legitimate step forward or would this gig just stall my career development? Thanks for your help.

Brett Berg

you first need to live and travel in order to gain rich acting qualities - This will be an experience unlike no other - I say go to Japan -pick up the lingo - and gain a new skill and new friends.

Debbie Croysdale

Don't look a gift horse the mouth. People promise film parts that never actually materialise. At least with this gig you have legal contract.

Brett Berg

we also have many years on this earth and time flies when your having fun - I took a job for a year on a cruise ship as a Youth Councilor - I created possibility once on board and also worked in the Theater Acting and Tech - everything you do creates more possibilities - When I went to Japan I climbed Mount Fuji which was my inspiration to write one of my screenplays "Hiro's Mountain"

Zedrick Restauro

Believe that you have a long career ahead of you [because you do ;) ] and that this opportunity is one of the early adventures in this journey of yours. The more you experience life, which includes other cultures and settings and jobs aside from what you're used to, the better actor you'll become in the long run. The TV/Film industry will be here when you get back. You're good man, I'd go on this adventure if I were you.

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