Introduce Yourself : Hello again! by Dayna Burnworth

Dayna Burnworth

Hello again!

I have been a member for a few years now but I thought I'd say hello and howdy to everyone. I am a writer and I started a new production company this year and we started filming our first project this week.

How is everyone? What's everyone working on in these here parts?

Gary Smiley

Hi Danya, I'm fine. Writing, doing a pitch tomorrow. Sent something earlier to somebody else. What kind of project are you doing? Nice to meet -

S.J. Robinson

Hi Dayna, great to take plunge for your startup. Hope in all goes well. All good over here in rainy Ireland. Working on script revisions at the moment, its a pure labour of love :)

Simon Oneill

hey Dayna, great news on your first production, hope it rocks the world!

Olaojoyegbe Bolarinwa

Hi Dyna! Congratulations! It's good to know that you've taken it a level further. It is a kind of inspiration to others. Thanks for revealing!

Brandon Lampley


We sound similar. I am also a writer and have recently started my own production company and also working on our first project, a feature!

Valerie Michele Oliver

Cool beans, Dayna! ~Valerie

Elisha Woods

Congratulations, Dayna! I wish you the best.

Caity FitzGerald

Hi Dayna! Congrats on the new project! Nice to meet you!

Les Edgerton

Hi Dayna, Nice t'meetcha. I'm working on a new novel (noir) and a new craft book (I wrote Finding Your Voice and Hooked) titled A Fiction Writer's Workshop at the Bijou. which is based entirely on the brilliant Callie Khouri film. Thelma & Louise.

Marcelo Ribeiro Carvalho

Nice to meet you! Good luck on your shoot!

Micki McNie

Dayna sounds like exciting things are happening in your world. Share more about your project as it progresses.

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