Hi all, I've been a member for a few years. I'm primarily a novelist but write in other forms as well. Have 20 books published, including novels, craft books on writing (you may be familiar with "Finding Your Voice" and "Hooked"), as well as non-fiction books. I also teach an online novel-writing class from which our class members have published nearly three dozen novels. I've also written screenplays. My first one was written in two days literally and while anyone can write a bad screenplay in a short amount of time, this one was a Semi-Finalist in the Nicholl's so I feel it's been vetted. My second took a bit longer at two weeks, but it placed as a Finalist in both the Writer's Guild and Best of Austin competitions. I don't write them any more as my novels sell immediately, and to be honest, I'm not much interested in "betting on the come" to use an old gambling phrase. It's just more productive for me to write novels and it's through my novels I hope to break into the film business with. You can find me on my blog most weeks, at www.lesedgertononwriting.blogspot.com/
Blue skies,
Les Edgerton
I have a bit of a checkered history--I'm an ex-con having done time in prison, but am all cleaned up these days and you can invite me into your home and won't have to count the silverware when I leave... My outlaw past informs my writing with a verisimilitude insurance salesmen are unable to emulate...
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Les Edgerton is one of the best crime writers working today. Imagine Eddie Bunker crossed with Charles Bukowski.