Weed is an incredible crop, and has been for hundreds of years. We can live free growing herbs, trading and thriving without the need for outside influences and distractions from the rural settings that drole us into drones pacing away, joyless, without nature. Get back to nature. Gardening, Living in a tight community of peers, Smoke Weed! Participate by being a villiager in Danksville or watch all the fun from home! Danksville satisfies the much needed urge to escape the polluted city/working life to a new life living off the land and learning and loving along the way. Does this sound like something worth help making happen?
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DanksVille-154444615142380/
IndieGogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/danksville-the-world-s-first-weed-vil...